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Показан контент с высокой репутацией 27.11.2022 в Сообщения

  1. Больше похоже на бабушки в молитве.
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  2. Ансельм Кентерберийский. Почему Бог стал человеком. Книга вторая, глава 18. "Эта честь, конечно же, принадлежит всей Троице, поэтому один и тот же Бог, Сын Божий, ради Своей чести принес Себя в жертву Себе Самому, равно как и Отцу, и Святому Духу, то есть Своё человечество - Своему Божеству, одному и тому же у [всех] трёх Лиц. И однако, чтобы пребывать в той же самой истине и одновременно яснее выразить то, что хотим, скажем, как принято, что Сын добровольно принёс Себя Самого в жертву Отцу". Joseph Pohle. Soteriology; a dogmatic treatise on the redemption. https://vk.com/wall297493080_197 «It will not do to represent the first Person of the Blessed Trinity as the sole acceptor of the sacrifice of the Cross, and Christ merely as the sacrificing priest, though this opinion has found some defenders among Catholic divines. It was the Trinity, or God qua God, who had been offended by sin ; consequently the sacrifice of the Cross had to be offered up as a propitiation to the entire Trinity. Hence Christ not only offered up the sacrifice of the Cross, but He also accepted it, though of course only in His capacity as God, conjointly with the Father and the Holy Ghost. The Patristic phrase, adopted by the Council of Trent, that Christ " offered Himself unto God the Father," must therefore be explained as an appropriation. From what we have said it appears that Christ exercised in a most wonderful manner three distinct functions, vie: that of sacrificial victim, that of the sacrificing priest, and that of the accepting God. As God He ac- cepts His own sacrifice; as Godman (or Logos) He is both victim (vicfima) and sacrificing priest (sacerdos), though only according to His human nature. St. Augustine beautifully explains this in his famous work De Civitate Dei. " And hence that true Mediator, in so far as, by as- suming the form of a servant. He became the Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, though in the form of God He received [accepted] sacrifice to- gether with the Father, with whom He is one God, yet in the form of a servant He chose rather to be than to receive a sacrifice, that not even by this instance any one might have occasion to suppose that sacrifice should be rendered to any creature. Thus He is both the Priest who offers and the Sacrifice offered."
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